Currently by Prometheus

Market beating Investment process, why we are NOT entering a recession, the importance of alternatives, 2023 predictions, and more w/ Jordi Visser

Episode Summary

Jordi Visser is President and Chief Investment Officer at Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers. In this podcast, Jordi discusses the importance of alternative investments in today's economy, his latest whitepaper, "Adapt or Die 3.0", and his views on how China and the Fed will behave in 2023. Jordi explains how asset managers generate alpha given the widespread embracing of analytics and shares his passion for longevity and how data can improve physical and financial well-being.

Episode Notes

Today Ryan Pallotta is joined by Jordi Visser, a true legend in the alternatives world. Jordi is President and Chief Investment Officer at Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers

Jordi is a master at using analogies to explain complex financial ideas. Ryan quickly gets Jordi to open up about their shared love for the philosophies of Moneyball and Bill James, perfectly teeing Jordi up to answer his question: "If everyone has started embracing analytics, how does one achieve alpha?"  

They talk about Jordi's latest whitewater Adapt or die 3.0—something everyone should read—discuss why alts are crucial in today's economic environment. Jordi then explains how Weiss is preparing to tackle 2023.

Jordi then touches on his views in China, what the Fed will do in 2023, and how we have to shift our investing perspectives based on Marc Andreessen's ABCs. He even tells us how accompanying his dad to the horse track put his financial education on a fast track.  

Later, the conversation turns to Jordi's passion for longevity; how mind and body health makes you a better investor; the importance of sleep; and how using data can improve your physical health as it does with your financial well-being.